
Descrição do Produto

  • Article Contribution: Users can contribute their own articles on various topics of their expertise.
  • Confessions and Life Stories: share personal experiences, confessions, and life stories to inspire others.
  • Commenting System: Engage in discussions and provide feedback through the comments section on articles and stories.
  • Saved Articles: Users can save their favorite articles for later reference and easy access.
  • Advanced Search: Search for specific topics, keywords, or authors to discover relevant articles and content.
  • User Blocking: Maintain a safe and respectful community by blocking users and preventing unwanted interactions.
  • Complaints and Suggestions: Provide feedback, report issues, and submit suggestions for app improvements.
  • Personalized Library: Create a personalized library of articles based on individual interests and preferences.
  • Social Sharing: Share articles, confessions, and stories on social media platforms to reach a wider audience.
  • Notifications: Receive updates, notifications about comments, and new articles from followed authors.

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